Personal Injury: Definition and Types of Injuries you should know

Millions of people all over the United States fall victim to various forms of accidents and injuries which may require varying degrees of medical treatment.

While most people are aware of the various types of injuries they may sustain throughout their lifetime, not many are aware that they can get compensation through the legal system, particularly when others are responsible. 

In this article, we will look at what personal injury law is all about, the common types of injuries you should know about, and what you can do if you have a personal injury claim. 

What is Personal Injury? 

You’ve been hurt and someone else’s actions led to it. You have medical bills accumulating, you’re missing out on work time and you have residual difficulties, and pain and suffering as a result.

This may be the time to investigate whether you have a personal injury claim and what are your options.

But before that, what is personal injury? 

Personal injury is quite simply a type of injury that involves someone suffering from physical or emotional harm. In the context of legal cases, typically, personal injury focuses on accidents and injuries that occur as a result of another person’s recklessness, negligence, or maliciousness. 

Personal injury law revolves around obtaining proper compensation for victims of these types of incidents from the responsible party or parties. It could be a car crash or a fall at work.

Depending on the impact of your accident or injury, you can seek compensation for the various types of damages that you have suffered, among those are the medical costs involved, reduced or lost income from being unable to work, pain and emotional stress as well as property damage. 

Types of personal injury 

There are various types of personal injury. Let's look at some of the most common types of personal injury.

  1. Auto accidents

  2. Slip and fall

  3. Dog bites

  4. Premises liability

  5. Product liability

  6. Medical malpractice

  7. Workplace injury

  8. Assaults

  9. Wrongful death

Auto accidents

This is one of the most common types of personal injury cases. Every year, millions of people are injured as a result of auto accidents. 

If a person’s negligence has caused you to suffer injuries as a result of an auto accident (no matter the type of vehicle), you may have a personal injury claim. This could be a car, motorcycle, train, or bus. 

For example, if a truck driver falls asleep while driving and has an accident injuring other passengers, the injured passengers may have a personal injury claim and could receive accident compensation. 

If you have been injured in an auto accident, you can speak to an experienced auto accident lawyer to find out about any potential personal injury claims. 

Slip and fall

As the name implies, these types of injuries occur as a result of a fall. For example, if you slip from a wet floor at a store, you may have a personal injury claim. This does not apply to every fall in a store or even all falls that involve wet or slippery floors. Rather, the injured party must be able to demonstrate that the dangerous condition was the result of some form of negligence or intentional conduct on the part of the store owner. That’s why it is important to consult an experienced personal injury attorney in order to find out about your rights and options, and also to help decide on any next steps.

Dog bites 

Dog bites can lead to personal injury claims. However, this varies from state to state. In some states, owners are liable for personal injury caused by dog bites whether or not the dog has shown any prior sign of aggression. This is called Strict liability. In other states, the owner of the dog only becomes responsible for personal injury damages when there is previous knowledge of their dog's aggression or if the owner otherwise acted negligently in handling the dog which resulted in a third party getting injured.

California is a strict liability state when it comes to dog bites situations. This means that the owner is responsible for personal injury damages even if the dog has never bitten before or shown any signs of aggression. 

To find out about your rights if you or a loved one have suffered injuries from a dog bite, it is important to speak to a personal injury lawyer

Premises liability 

This type of injury typically occurs as a result of a defective condition on someone’s property. This could be a commercial property like a Mall or a residential property like your neighbor’s house or an apartment building, even if the injury occurs in common areas such as hallways or the pool. For example, if you fall from the staircase in an apartment building as a result of a defective handle, you may have a personal injury claim. 

Products liability 

Harmful products can lead to injury at home, work, or public places. Toxic food, defective or dangerous drugs, and consumer products are all examples of materials that could cause some form of personal injury. Responsible parties including individuals, manufacturers, government entities, or anyone in the chain of distribution, such as the store that sold you the product inquisition can be liable for personal injury damages. If you have suffered injuries as a result of harmful products, you can speak with a lawyer to investigate the products, analyze the specific facts, evaluate your case, and help you receive compensation for the injuries sustained.

Medical malpractice 

Medical malpractice is when a medical practitioner, including doctors, nurses, or hospitals, make mistakes in administering treatment resulting in personal injury damages to the patient. Misdiagnosis, surgical errors, improper treatment, and medication mistakes are all types of medical malpractice. Negligence from medical personnel including doctors, nurses, surgeons, and so on can lead to serious injuries. These types of situations can be complex. If you have been injured as a result of medical malpractice or perhaps you have lost a loved one, it is important to speak with an experienced lawyer to evaluate the situation, inform you of your rights and options, and help you decide whether you want to pursue legal action in order to receive compensation for your losses and injuries. 

Workplace injury 

Workplace injuries and accidents are common. From falls at construction sites to accidents at farms or factories. Employers have the responsibility to ensure that work is carried out safely and that safety measures are put in place to limit or even eliminate risks of accidents. Employers who neglect this duty place their employees, customers, and the general public in danger. If you have a workplace injury, you can claim compensation. Whether you are a full-time employee, part-time employee, or contract employee. 


Unlike other types of personal injury, assaults are injuries that are inflicted intentionally or on purpose. In these situations, the person may face criminal charges. In addition, the victim or victims may have civil remedies, such as the right to file a personal injury claim and demand compensation for damages. 

Wrongful death 

Wrongful death involves a person dying as a result of someone's careless, negligent, or even intentional conduct. This could occur in any of the situations above whether it is a car accident, a slip and fall, medical malpractice, etc. 

Personal injury claims based on wrongful death are similar to other types of personal injury like medical malpractices. However, compensation and recovery of damages are a bit different from other non-fatal personal injuries. For example, typically, the heirs of the victim can bring an action for damages. It is important that you consult an experienced lawyer to understand your rights and options. 

Personal Injury Statute of Limitations in California 

If you are filing a personal injury lawsuit in California, it is important to know about the Personal Injury statute of limitations. 

Under this statute, victims have two years to file a personal injury lawsuit seeking compensation. This starts from the date of the accident or incident and includes all types of personal injury. If you do not file your claim within the statute of limitations, you may forever lose your rights.

It is important to note that the statute of limitations may be different for certain specific types of cases. For example, medical malpractice has its own specific statute of limitations. If you have been the victim of medical malpractice, it is important to consult a practitioner who specializes in medical malpractice in order to determine the appropriate time limits and also to find out about your substantive rights.

If you have suffered any type of personal injury, including auto accidents, dog bites, product liability, and so on, you can speak with us at Dejban Law to evaluate your situation and proffer legal solutions to help you receive compensation as quickly as possible. 

Olumide Simeon